Have You Installed these Critical Security Patches for Microsoft Exchange and Outlook?


Several security patches reaching the critical risk levels were released in Microsoft’s latest Patch Tuesday. These updates are released by the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC), which investigates all reports of security vulnerabilities affecting Microsoft products and services.


Microsoft Exchange Security Vulnerability:

Microsoft has detected the exploitation of a critical vulnerability in Exchange 2019. According to the report, the “successful exploitation of this vulnerability could lead to major loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability.” Find more information about the vulnerability and download the appropriate security patch here:



Microsoft Outlook Security Vulnerability:

Related to the Exchange vulnerability, this vulnerability has also been exploited and deemed critical. Microsoft reports that attackers could exploit this vulnerability by sending “ specially crafted emails that will cause a connection from the victim to an untrusted location of attackers’ control.” Find more details and the security patch here:



Covered with Security, Reliability, and Performance: 

If you are a Seitel System’s SRP client, rest easy – These regular updates and patches are already covered in our services. Explore our SRP services here: https://seitelsystems.com/services/proactive-it-support/

If you have concerns regarding these vulnerabilities, please reach out: https://seitelsystems.com/contact/